Mission and Goals

School Mission Statement

Welcome to Medicine Valley Public Schools. The Board of Education, administration and staff are committed to providing an environment where every child can grow and learn in a positive environment.

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of the Medicine Valley Public Schools are to provide:

  1. A curriculum that is based on state standards; comprehensive, coordinated, and sequential and is directed toward locally approved goals and standards for student learning. It draws upon research, best practices, and reputable theories and provides the foundation for standards-based instruction. The instructional program focuses on achievement and provides for the diverse learning needs of all students including learners with disabilities and high ability learners. Curriculum and instruction help students develop content and skill mastery, analytical thinking, problem-solving, work ethics, creativity, and respect for diversity.

  2. An instructional program that focuses on achievement and provides for the needs of all students including learners with disabilities and high ability learners. It draws upon research, bestpracticese, and reputable theory broad enough yet with sufficient depth to allow education for all of the students.

  3. Assessment procedures and results that assist teachers in planning and providing appropriate instruction for all students. Assessment results also provide information for monitoring program success, and for reporting to parents, policymakers, and the community. The school periodically reviews procedures to improve assessment quality and increase student learning. The information assists schools in establishing and achieving improvement goals.

  4. A library/media/technology program that provides a wide range of accessible print and electronic resources that expand opportunity for learning, contribute to information literacy, support the local curriculum, and enhance and enrich learning experiences for all students. The program provides materials through onsite and electronic access that complement, supplement, and enrich curriculum and instruction. It facilitates research, supports and encourages personal interest in reading and the study of current events, and develops technological and other skills for accessing, evaluating, and using resources.

  5. Instructional staff who have appropriate training and preparation to work with the students assigned to them, who are knowledgeable of principles of child growth and development and of the curriculum content for which they are responsible, who use teaching strategies that engage students actively in learning, and who help students understand and apply content across subject areas. Staff development activities that support the school’s efforts in curriculum development, instructional improvement, assessment, and general school improvement to achieve school improvement goals.

  6. Administration that exercises leadership in the development and implementation of school goals and policies. Administrators who demonstrate leadership in management and operation of the school system and in the improvement of curriculum and instruction. Building administrators who provide leadership to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and school improvement. They guide staff and students in achieving goals and fulfill other functions supportive of quality learning.

  7. A systematic ongoing process that guides planning, implementation, and evaluation and renewal of school improvement activities to meet local and statewide goals and priorities. The school improvement process focuses on improving student learning. The process includes a periodic review by visiting educators who provide consultation to the school/community in continued accomplishment of plans and goals.

  8. A school system that demonstrates accountability to the school community. School staff periodically assesses and reports student progress toward accomplishment of academic content standards. Results are used to plan and make needed changes to improve instruction for all students.

  9. School facilities and a general environment that supports quality learning. Facilities and grounds are safe, orderly, and well maintained, and facilities that have adequate space, lighting, and furnishings. The system has plans or provisions for climate-controlled buildings to the extent feasible. The environment is emotionally safe and supportive and promotes respect, trust, and integrity.

  10. A Board of Education that governs through orderly procedures which focus efforts of the school upon quality learning, result in equitable opportunities for learning for all students, and insure accountability to the local community.

  11. An activities program that is scheduled outside the regular school day, focuses on active participation of all students involved in the activity, and promotes a positive image of the school and community.

  12. A welcoming environment for parents and the community.